Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Lamictal for Bipolar Disorder

  In today’s modern world, there are many measures that can be taken by a doctor and a patient to ensure that conditions such as bipolar disorder are kept at bay. With bipolar  there are many ways of helping sufferers through “a rough road.”

  Lamictal for bipolar disorder like Topamax and Trileptal help to stabilize moods and keep severe depression and bouts of mania at bay. According to   many doctors Lamictal tends to be one of the most effective drugs on the market to keep the symptoms of bipolar disorder under control, and more importantly, there are not too many side effects to worry about. The most common side effect reported is the occasional headache, apart from this, it is very unlikely that a patient will experience any problems at all.

It is vital that when a person seems to show the symptoms of bipolar disorder that this be sorted out.

  Doctors have reported that if the condition remains untreated then a person could go on to have between 5 and 10 mania attacks during their lifetime and unfortunately, there is a 15 percent risk of death by suicide if it remains untreated.

  Lamictal for bipolar disorder is very effective for treating mania, depression and most importantly, helping a patient in terms of suicidal thoughts and as a result, the drug has stopped the most suicidal of people doing harm to themselves.

  Once bipolar disorder has been diagnosed, then the doctor will go on to select the best course of treatment, in terms of taking lamictal, it is considered that the drug can succeed – even with the most difficult of cases.
Bipolar disorder is a problem that occurs with many people from the age of 21 (children can sometimes be affected) and there is no way of knowing who will be subjected to the symptoms but once it has been diagnosed then this is the road to recovery for a patient.

  When taking Lamictal for bipolar disorder there is a lot that you and your loved ones can do to help with your recovery. The first is to maintain a healthy lifestyle – keep regular sleeping patterns, and most importantly, reduce stress. Secondly, always let your loved ones know about the condition because any signs of a relapse could be serious and it is important for them to know what to look for.

  Lastly, many sufferers like to learn more about the illness from the internet and some may want to join self-help groups.This in itself can build confidence because meeting with other people will mean that you have not gone through the ravages of manic depression on your own. Others have had similar experiences, and by sharing, you will begin to feel like your old self again.

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