Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Definitions of Sobriety

Abuse Victim:
Sobriety means I have not harbored anger, resentment, bitterness or unforgiveness for my abusers, nor have I used the actions of others as a justification for my inappropriate actions or attitudes or isolating myself from God or others.

Sobriety means I have not verbally, physically, sexually or emotionally abused others or myself.

Sobriety means I have not lashed out at others or harbored ill will towards others but have taken appropriate steps to forgive others and resolve conflicts.

Chemical Addiction:
Sobriety means I have not consumed alcohol or drugs, except for appropriate use of over-the-counter medications or appropriate use of medications prescribed by a doctor.

Sobriety means I have not actively sought to control or manipulate others, given unsolicited advice, or based my self-concept on the well-being or approval of others.

Sobriety means I have not given in to feelings of hopelessness, despondence or passivity in response to difficult or negative situations.

Sobriety means I have not stopped working through the grief process of denial, anger, bargaining, and acceptance. I ask for help when needed.

Sobriety means I have not continued to feel guilt over past sins that I have already confessed and have made or am making amends.

Sexual Addiction:
Sobriety means I have not actively sought out sexually explicit material in any form, nor have I acted to intentionally place myself in a position of temptation, but when confronted with temptation I did not yield but surrendered the incident to the Lord by praying for His power to resist or flee.

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